RMV Duo Coated Drum Head - 10"
DUO COATED (7mil/4mil) drumheads are a double-layered coated drumhead giving the volume and attack characteristic of coated heads, with the
durability and full & heavy sound of a double head. Duo Coated drumheads provide an organic sound with any type of tuning. In studios with large rooms, these drumheads produce a deep and smooth sound
generating excellent results when used with triggers since the vibration is extremely controlled.
RMV Drumheads are a leader in the world market with uncompromising quality. Each and every drumhead is completely crimped in the aluminum rim, not glued. This sure-grip system allows for perfect resonance and unparalleled durability. RMV Drumheads simply will NOT pull out of their rims! The precisely formed hoops provide a perfect fit every time!
In addition, RMV uses only genuine Mylar®* a polyester film made by DuPont™ when producing drumheads, as well as there own propitiatory coatings assuring the user of high-dynamics, tune-ability and long head life.