RMV Single Coated Drum Head - 12"
SINGLE COATED (10mil) drumheads are the traditional standard drumhead. It works in all frequencies, with vivid harmonics, producing a full and deep sound. This drumhead maximizes the natural properties of the drum with incomparable volume and attack. Producers and studio drummers prefer the coated drumhead for its clear execution and dynamic sensitivity. The use on snares of all types is almost mandatory since its attack produces a heavy “back beat” in the center of the head and in rim shots. For those who play with brushes, the coated head produces a crisp, full sound.
RMV Drumheads are a leader in the world market with uncompromising quality. Each and every drumhead is completely crimped in the aluminum rim, not glued. This sure-grip system allows for perfect resonance and unparalleled durability. RMV Drumheads simply will NOT pull out of their rims! The precisely formed hoops provide a perfect fit every time!
In addition, RMV uses only genuine Mylar®* a polyester film made by DuPont™ when producing drumheads, as well as there own propitiatory coatings assuring the user of high-dynamics, tune-ability and long head life.