Audio/Video Cleaning
Our very first product way back when was our tape head cleaning fluid. While tape machines and other analog equipment have fallen in favor for the current crop of digital technology, there is still a demand for maintaining vintage analog equipment.
So in addition to our digital cleaning products, we continue to offer our state-of-the-art analog cleaning products for cassette & reel to reel recorders, CD, DVD and vinyl disc along with an assortment of popular turntable, record and tape accessories.
Many companies sell nothing more than watered-down isopropyl alcohol for cleaning. Well we have higher standards for your equipment and we know you do too. We spent many years in our lab designing and testing our various formulations in order to deliver the very best cleaning results.
Really clean means better sound and images that gives you maximum enjoyment.
We have recently added STABILANT 22 Contact Enhancement Solution. STABILANT 22 is classified as a "liquid microprocessor" and will improve conductivity and reliability with both vintage analog and digital devices. We have extensive information posted on our STABILANT 22 page. Once you use STABILANT 22 we think you will be ecstatic with the results.
Save $ 5.00
Turntable Precision Mini Bubble Levels - Set of 4
AMERICAN RECORDEROriginal price $ 14.99Current price $ 9.99| /1/2 inch diameter bubble levels are ideal for placing on each corner of the LP turntable for monitoring turntable's positioning. Also can be used t...
View full detailsOriginal price $ 14.99Current price $ 9.99| /Save $ 5.00